
think big

Ya’el Johnson – One Step at a Time: How to Think Big Yet Focus on What We Can Control (AoL 186)

Believe it or not, but there’s a lot of people in this world who are afraid to think big. The reason for this is pretty simple… at least to them. Why think of making a huge impact when you can’t even get your own life straight?

What I’ve learned is that having big goals and dreams actually helps one deal with the now. If we have a worthwhile goal, it allows us to prioritize it. And that, allows us to not prioritize what’s good now… or at least the actions that might self sabotage us in the long run. In other words, if you have an elephant to eat, that’s how you eat it – one bite at a time.

In this session with friend of the show, with newly married Ya’el Johnson, Andy and I chat with her about what she’s learned about life and success as she’s taken control over her own life and destiny. This is a great lesson if you’re new to the self development world, but also a great reminder for those of us who might feel down due to the ongoing effects of COVID-19.



  • How does Ya’el remember getting into the personal development space? 10:46
  • According to Ya’el, why is it necessary for people to control what they can in their lives? 12:10
  • What tips does she have for someone whose been living a horror story and are trying to get out? 19:25
  • What got her interested in aiding in homelessness in the town she’s living in? 23:33
  • How can someone tackle a big project like homelessness in their own community? 27:48
  • What can we expect to hear from Ya’el’s podcast? 35:01
  • What’s going on for Ya’el in the not too distant future? 39:43
  • Who are her three influencers or teachers who have helped launch her to where she’s at today? 41:25
  • What is the most powerful question she likes to ask her coaching clients? 41:59
  • What message is out there that’s a disservice to youth? 43:29
  • How does Ya’el deal with getting overwhelmed? 46:22
  • What’s it mean to live a life of abundance? 47:50


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Ya’el’s Poem “The World I See Beings with Me”

Abraham Hicks – How to Make Big Things Happen

Brendon Burchard – Working on Self Perception

Tony Robbins – Achieving Meaning and Real Success in Life

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Thanks so much for joining us again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on CastboxiTunesStitcherPodBean, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


creative thinking

Lois Stark – Shapes of Changing Times – Exploring Creative Thinking in an Uncertain World (AoL 185)

It’s said that college can either teach you what to think or how to think. And in my case, I’d like to believe that it taught me how to think. But looking back, especially this past year, I’ve realized when it comes to creative thinking, my Purdue career might have failed me. Not because I didn’t get anything out of it. I did. However, when I got out of grad school, I found myself trying to build staircases out of information.

That’s just not how the world works. Especially when you’re trying to start or restart a business.

In fact, when you’re learning something new, using a circular or global way of learning to connect the dots might make more sense to utilize than a linear model.

In this session with Emmy award winning documentarian Lois Stark, Veronica and I chat with her about what what she’s learned about shapes and patterns in nature, and how those relate to our ability to think now and in the future.



  • What fostered Lois’ interest in becoming a documentarian? 8:38
  • Are there specific ideas people can remember as their world continually shifts around them? 11:57
  • How can we get a little higher to see beyond the divisions of mankind? 24:11
  • How can adults reshape their mindset so we can access the future before it unfolds and possibly influencing it based on what we know from the past? 29:11
  • What advice would she give to business owners in riot zones who want to stay in business, but also need to be cautious about how they engage with their community? 41:32
  • What is Lois working on now and what does she expect for its impact in the future? 47:17
  • Who are three of Lois’ influencers or teachers who have helped her get to where she’s at today? 52:47
  • What are three books she gifts or tells others about? 56:51
  • In the last five years, which belief, behavior, or habit has most improved her life? 59:42
  • What happens regularly today which would horrify a person from 100 years ago? 1:01:35
  • How can someone be a difference maker in their community? 1:03:28


Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.


Lois’ TEDx Presentation

Understanding Fractal Thinking with Keith McGreggor

Sir Ken Robinson on the Journey of Discovering Our Talents

Lois is interviewed by Eric Reid of Success Life

Thanks for Listening!

Thanks so much for joining us again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on CastboxiTunesStitcherPodBean, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


business team

Dirk van Reenen – A Great Challenge Means Great Opportunity – How to Build a Pivot Ready Business Team from Day 1 (AoL 180)

For a lot of business owners, the pandemic has cost them their livelihood. For example, Yelp! recently shared that 55% of the businesses using their platform which closed down due to the pandemic aren’t coming back. What’s a business team to do when you’re looking at those kinds of numbers? How can you avoid having to close down?

The answer, I believe, is all about being able to make a pivot. And this is something we’ve been discussing in great detail on the show.

Unfortunately, for some business teams, pivoting might not be too obvious. Sure, curb service and delivery for some restaurants makes sense, but what if your restaurant wasn’t so much a restaurant, but a bar? What if you’re reliant on a market that’s not doing so great right now such as realty?

Today’s guest, Dirk van Reenen, excels at helping teams focus on the foundations of business and how they scale their businesses in ways that they might not have noticed before. In fact, with the future looking like things will be changing faster and faster, it’s important that all businesses know how to quickly pivot.

So what does that look like? Well, the first thing is all about building the right team – and that’s where today’s conversation takes us.

Listen in as Andy and I learn more about Dirk’s business BERGflow and how it might benefit those of us going through or preparing to go through a hard time.



  • What’s the path that Dirk followed to eventually starting BERGFlow? 9:45
  • Where did the name BERGFlow come from? 15:20
  • What are some things people need to consider when building a team as a solopreneur? 20:24
  • What challenges does remote work give to a group who’s forming into an effective team? 26:50
  • If a leader finds themselves in a situation where there’s trust issue in the team, how can they get back some of the control in their group? 32:02
  • According to Dirk, what’s the importance of a business team building something worthwhile? 38:54
  • What kind of things is Dirk looking forward to as we move into a different world post-pandemic? 45:40
  • What’s the best advice he’s ever received? 51:40
  • Which three books does he gift or tell others about? 52:11
  • What’s the smallest decision he’s made that has had the largest impact in his life? 54:22
  • What’s one thing all high school students must know? 59:01
  • What’s the secret to achieving personal freedom? 1:01:41


Dirk Online: Website, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube
Cohost: Andy Dix
Powered By: Kennected
Documentary – Happy – (Flow in BERGfow comes from this documentary)
Rocketfuel – Visionary / Operator (or Integrator) relationship
David Osborn- Dirk’s Mentor
e-myth revisited
Chris Tuff AoL Interview
Think and Grow Rich
The Fish that Ate the Whale
The Road Less Stupid – Keith Cunningham
Loving What Is – Byron Katie

Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.


How to Navigate the Early Stages of Shift

Adapting to the Shift

Where is the Bottom of This?

What are you doing to Pivot and Move Forward?

Thanks for Listening!

Thanks so much for joining us again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on CastboxiTunesStitcherPodBean, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!
