
I thought it would be useful to make a page for things that are talked about on the blog, or somewhere else in the New Inceptions realm. Think of this as your hub for all of your self improvement needs. Of course, I’ll add to it over time… and as things are added I’ll reference to it more often. I recommend bookmarking it for your own convenience.

Little bit of a disclosure: As time progresses, some of the items that will be added here will be affiliate links. If you purchase something on the other side of one, know that I will make a commission at no additional cost to you.

Please understand that everything that I list below is something that I have had personal experience with. I recommend them because I either know the people that are involved with it personally OR I have found them to be helpful and useful. Please feel no obligation to buy anything if you don’t think it will help you with getting where you want to be.