Tying Heartstrings: The #1 Way to Increase Influence, Traffic, and Income

I know this is a little to the point, but I’m going to admit it. I’ve found the secret to building a successful business… and you might not like it. However, it’s worked for tons of people around the web. And honestly, if you want to make an impact on others doing something you love, […]

AoL 025: Exploring the Hidden Truth of Vibrant Health with David Sandstrom

When it comes to our health, Americans are a fickle bunch. Some of us are very into it, and others, like I was, simply don’t even know where to start. For me personally, health was never a big focus of mine growing up. I only went to a doctor when I was on death’s door. However, my […]

Understanding Passive Income as Organic Earnings

In my last podcast session with Matt Bernstein, one of the nuggets of information he dropped (among MANY) was that he first heard of passive income from the same book I did, Robert Kiyosaki’s “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”. The main difference was that he read it when he was young and I read it when I was starting college. […]


AoL 024: Unlocking the Secrets of Success to Drop Shipping and uDemy with Matt Bernstein

Online business comes in many forms. In fact, I’ve mentioned that there are 10 archetypes that people can utilize to do online business. One of the types that I’ve had an interest in, and one that I think has a relatively low entry cost, is the Retail archetype. In session 13, our guests, Dennis and Claudia Haddix, […]

Labeling Business Accomplishment: Find Your Place, Your Peers, and GROW Faster!

With all the business training going around these days and the interaction of people at all levels of business, many business trainers have tried to label where people are by using a scale or other descriptive words to illustrate where people might be on the entrepreneurial path. In Fizzle, for example, they have a roadmap […]

AoL 023: Recognizing the Delusion of Passion: Helping Millennials find True Personal Freedom with Mark Nathan

“Being financially free. What a goal. Man, if we could only be financially free, we wouldn’t have to work!” Has said many a millennial entrepreneur as they set out on their first business. I know that was the case for me when I first fell into entrepreneurship. Just like, I’m sure, anyone else that has […]

Failure to success!

Failure: A Great Way to Succeed

Failure is not about quitting. It’s Simply Learning What Doesn’t Work. At least that’s what I’ve found out since grad school. Back in my years in college and even before then, I remember I would do anything I could do avoid being a failure. Things that I’m not proud of today… and wasn’t really proud […]

Social Confidence Mastery

Myke Macapinlac: Helping Shy Guys Succeed in Life via Social Confidence Mastery (AoL 022)

Being anxious is part of life. And, as we all know, it can be a problem. Ask anyone who’s ever tried to give a speech. Stage fright is definitely a thing. The question is whether you let it control you, or you use it to boost your ability to connect with someone. Likewise, when we’re dating […]

Quitting Without Regret: A Critical Key to Successful Creativity

If you’re like me and many other creatives that I know, your mind never stops coming up with new ideas that you believe could add value to other people. Chances are, you probably have some sort of journal or list somewhere that you can write down ideas on as they come to you. Just last night, I […]

AoL 021: Behind the Scenes in Making a Now Trending Show with Josh Featherstone

Being a creative can be an interesting ride. For many of us to consider doing anything outside of our normal work life, there has to be some sort of reward or reason to do it. For many of us, that reward is extra income. For others, just making things is, itself, rewarding enough. Many times, that […]