return on experience

David E. Bryant – Return on Experience and Expertise: Why Staying Humble Allows for Big Time Growth (AoL 168)

Return on Experience and Expertise, or RoEE, is something we all should realize we have. Whether you’re more street smart or climbed your way up the twin towers of formal education and the corporate world, you do have experience which can serve not only you, but those around you.

However, that said, it’s up to us to realize what expertise can truly help others. Unlike our Passion, we don’t get to choose our Purpose and where we fit with others.

However, when we can pair up our Purpose with our Passion, then we have the seeds to greatness. Add it to a unique Process, and we have a winning formula for awesome Profit!

Sound familiar? It should. I shared briefly about the 4 P’s of the Ikigai in this blog post recently.

Today’s guest, David Bryant, is a prime example of someone who’s not only found this sweet spot in his career, but also has been able to take advantage of it. How? By staying humble and learning lessons wherever or from whoever he can.

In this chat, Andy and I get the chance to learn how he’s done this over his career and some of the key things he’s learned along the way.



  • What lead Dave to study sports marketing and business? 9:19
  • How did spending time and learning in the MLM industry compare to the knowledge he picked up from getting his business degree? 14:42
  • What are some of the topics that David learned in his time in LegalShield that he can share with teens and college students? 20:41
  • What does he think are some of the key foundational learnings he’s had where he can now turn around and maximize on experience or expertise? 24:43
  • Which business lessons has his faith taught him? 29:19
  • How did LegendBorne get its start? 31:24
  • What are some challenges that he’s given himself for the upcoming year? 48:41
  • What books are his top 3 favorite that he gifts or tells others about? 52:18
  • If he could ask anyone living or dead a question, who and what would it be? 52:54
  • What are three truths that Dave has learned over time that he wants others to know? 54:02
  • How can someone be a difference maker in their community? 58:05


Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.


Why the Name LegendBorne?

Dave on why LegendBorne is Unique

LegendBorne Sportswear in the Field

Akuma vs LegendBorne – Which Jersey Should You Buy?

Thanks for Listening!

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A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


online entrepreneurs

10 Amazing Links for Online Entrepreneurs in 2019

As us creative business owners go down our individual paths, we often find ourselves entrenched in situations that might take our focus off of the bigger picture from time to time. For me, I’ve been neck deep in catching back up with marketing so that I can better help the citizens of Amplify Indy.

So what I do from time to time, is reach out to others to see what new websites they’ve found in their journeys.

In this post, I’m going to share with you some of the best links the we AoL Podcast hosts think can help make an impact on you in 2019. I hope they will help you in the last quarter and well into next year.


The podcasting world is changing all the time. This podcast keeps me up to date with that world. If you’re a podcaster (or soon will be), keep ahead of how the industry is changing by listening in on this short and to the point podcast.

Ok, I admit it, I’m a podcast fanatic. They allow me to listen to new ideas on the go without having to divert all my attention to them (ahem, looking at you Facebook videos!).

This particular show has Joel Comm as one of the hosts. Easily one of the more down to earth personalities in the online business world.

If you’re not familiar with cryptocurrency and want to get started OR you’re wanting to hear the newest of news, this is a pretty good place to get your info from.

Over the years I’ve used several hosts for websites of mine and clients. For the longest time, Hostgator was my go to host. They have so many things going well for them (including a WordPress helper) that if you’re brand new to the hosting world, I’d highly recommend them. They’re like the Verizon of hosts.

However, over the years, I’ve become more of a basics guy. I don’t need everything done for me. And there was just certain things that I wasn’t necessarily getting from Hostgator. That’s when I found NameCheap. I like to think of them as being kinda Sprint-like.

NameCheap is a great option for people who already know a little bit about creating WordPress sites but want a little help where it counts. While they don’t have a staff to answer your questions on the phone (like Hostgator does 24/7), they do have a chat support that I’ve found very useful. Also, with the ease of use of installing an SSH certificate on your site AND getting a inexpensive WhoIsGuard subscription, it’s hard to go anywhere else if you just want the basics for cheap!


Success Principles – Jack Canfield is a co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul. Over his 30 years as a professional, he’s studied, taught, and lived certain principles. In this book we learn what they are and how we can use them in our lives in a practical manner. Even if you’re already successful, it’s an inspiring guide that will help any aspiring person get from where they are to where they want to be.

Female Entrepreneur Association – One of my older resources. Founder Carrie Green has made an online hub with the mission of inspiring and empowering women from around the world to turn their ideas into a reality, build successful businesses and live a life they love.

Every single one of us has the ability to achieve incredible things and life is too short to waste the opportunity to make it happen.

The Intern – In my recently released book Stories of Elders (which you can find out more about it in session 132), I traveled across the country to find out how technology has changed the lives of members of the Greatest Generation.

While Robert De Niro is a Baby Boomer, I think this movie does a good job of portraying the differences of generations, how they work mesh in an high tech entrepreneurial setting, and how we can still all learn from each other.


Martech: This is fellow Indianapolis citizen’s Doug Karr’s blog. Let’s just say that if you have a question about something on digital marketing or just optimizing your online business, you’re going to find some kind of tips here.

Disrupt You!: Jay Samit is actually my mentor. He’s a living legend that has disrupted multiple industries. A ton of takeaways from this book, but my favorite has to be –

“The joy of disruption comes from accepting that we all live in a temporary state.”

With all the opportunities available through technologies, one may ask “where do I start?” A very logical question.

In his book, he explains how most disruptors success stories involve the individuals pivoting their way from failures to success after many attempts. MANY!

That’s right, the chances of you nailing it on the first try are slim to none. However, that doesn’t mean that you should stop trying.

If you want to succeed, make sure you are ready to embrace failure and mistakes. It’s meant to happen so that you can align yourself with the correct solution.

Business Rockstars: While it’s not as good as it used to be when my friend Ken Rutkowski owned it, it’s still a great resource. If you want advice from entrepreneurs who have made it to the top, this is definitely a place where you can find what they have to say. Not only that, but it’s a great community too where you can find mentorship and excellent group coaching.

Startup Grind: If your thing is to learn from people who have more recently been where you’re at, then you might want to check out the Startup Grind community. This Google owned platform is a valuable resource to get education, inspiration, and connection to other entrepreneurs.

Action Steps

Have something to add to this list? Let us know below!

learn new skills

2 Frameworks to Help You Learn New Skills and Improve Your Memory

In general, entrepreneurs can be a picky bunch when it comes to using our 24 hours. Most of us have routines that we pride ourselves in having.

However, sometimes those routines get in the way of more efficient practices and routines that we don’t even know exist.

That’s why it’s important to keep learning. As solopreneurs, we need to keep learning about skills, mindsets, and interacting with others. It’s when we learn those better routines where we find ourselves being a superhero version of ourselves.

In this post, I’m going to share two frameworks that I recently heard on a podcast with Jim Kwik, founder of SuperHeroYou. Ironically, I’ve employed these frameworks in my own learning, but I wasn’t consciously aware of it! I guess it was just one of those situations where I was a unconsciously competent.

Both of these processes have allowed me to learn skills and new ideas quickly and retain them – I know it will be useful for you as well if you haven’t heard of them!


It Helps to be a FAST Learner

The first acronym which was shared in the interview was FAST. Since I’ve been a teacher in the past, I developed these habits for myself. But as mentioned, it’s cool to have them made into a framework to share with others.


The F in FAST stands for Forget

Now, you might be thinking, “isn’t forgetting the last thing we want to do in learning?”.

Well, sorta.

Here’s the thing. The forgetting that needs to take place is actually the perspective that we have on a given topic. We don’t want to approach something from a know-it-all perspective. Whatever we feel that we know of a given subject is going to get in the way.

This is precisely why most kids learn faster than adults. Most adults approach new topics from a point where they’re trying to relate it to information they already know about a given situation. They try to make sense of it and store each new piece they learn with something they already know.

Another thing we want to forget is limiting beliefs. Just because something might not have worked for you in the past doesn’t mean it can’t work for you in the future. Maybe you feel that you’re not worthy to receive success? Well forget that too. That’s not true. Especially if it’s in something that isn’t related to your physical abilities.


The A in FAST stands for Active

The next part to remember is that you need to be active with anything you’re learning. That’s why the courses that people like to take are the ones with workbooks. We might have hated those as we were growing up in classes, but there was some good intention there.

As you might know, I’m not a big fan of our current education system – the Prussian Education System. (I mentioned it in session 5 of the AoL podcast.) It simply isn’t preparing today’s students for where the world is at.

In a nutshell, this system teaches us how to take orders. We implemented it in the United States when the economy required more workers than leaders. I believe that today’s economy needs more leaders – not followers. More people taking initiative than people waiting to be told what to do. Be PROACTIVE, not REACTIVE.


The S in FAST stands for State

The next thing about learning quickly is that you have to be in the right state of mind and body. Not only do you have to be ready and open to learn, you also have to be in the right position.

The state your mind has to be in is one of curiosity. If you’re apprehensive about a subject, you’re really not going to understand it in the same way. Remember, approach the subject as a kid would – with wonder.

The state your body needs to be is one of attention. For example, if you were really into a movie, more than likely you’re going to be in a different position than if you were casually watching TV.


The T in FAST stands for Teaching

I listened to this podcast twice because I knew I wanted to share it with you guys. Because of that, I’m learning about it at a deeper level than I would have if I was just casually listening to it for myself.

If you really want to learn something thoroughly, learn it as if you’re going to teach it to someone else – like a best friend. Prepare for questions they might have by making notes to yourself and relating that new information to topics they might already be familiar with.

Remembering Through the MOM Framework

So, learning is one thing. But remembering is another.

Everyone can learn facts or new things (including names!) but unless you use the following items, you’re going to forget what you’ve learned.


The First M in MOM is for Motivation

You need a reason to remember what you’re learning. As they said in the chat, if you were promised $10,000 to remember someone’s name, you’re going to be able to remember their name even if you’re bad at remembering in names.

Since that’s pretty unrealistic in most cases, you’ll need to figure out what your motivation is to remember whatever you’re learning.

But just a tip – Dale Carnegie wrote that people love hearing their name. So when you are learning names, perhaps you should remember them. Especially if you’re a business owner. You don’t know if knowing someone will eventually land you a $10,000 deal – OR more!


The O in MOM is for Observation

One of the things that Brendon Burchard is really big in advising others to do is be present. Soak it all in, not only for others, but for yourself.

This works both ways because, for one, if you’re paying attention to your surroundings when you learn something or meet someone important, then you’re going to have more connection to that moment.

Also, if a person is present for others, they’ll remembered by the person they were conversing with. Why? Simply because most people are noticeably not paying attention to what’s being said – they’re either trying to think about how they’re respond or they’re focused on something else completely.


The Second M in MOM is for Mechanics

It’s ok to come up with your own acronyms – whatever works for you. The trick is to find a process or trick that works for different situations and practice it. Over and over. For instance, you won’t get better at memorizing names until you start practicing it.


Action Steps

I want you guys to apply these frameworks in your day to day lives. So the first thing I want you to do is listen to a conversation with Jim. I listened to him through Jordan Harbinger, but maybe you’d prefer to hear him talk with Lewis Howes.

If you’ve already started applying these frameworks in your life, I’d love to hear about your experiences below. What is something that you’ve applied one of these frameworks to? How’d it work out?

The Emperor of Books on Empire Road

Somewhere on a road in South Africa is a homeless man. This homeless man, is no beggar, however. Instead, he earns by adding value to those around him. How? By doing something that is so inherently simple but so removed from his current condition that it’s kinda out of this world.

Philani reviews books. Not only does he review the books, but he also reviews authors AND publishers as well. The guy is amazing. To have that kind of knowledge, you have to have to read a ton!

When asked why he doesn’t sell drugs, he says, “I hate what drugs can do to you. You continue on into a money making machine.”

Watch more about Philani below:

In a world where people are looking for the next handout, this should serve as motivation for them to add their voice to the world. This guy is homeless – but yet he has it figured out. He’s adding value to the world and I’d be surprised that he’s on the street that much longer. Comment below on how you are or could possibly add value to the world.